Staying organized in life brings growth and success. But not everybody knows how to be organized. Many people practice staying organized by inculcating good habits in themselves. Organizing oneself is nothing but building good habits and keeping the bad habits at bay. Our teachers, parents, siblings, and friends are responsible for keeping our lives simple and easy.
They have a massive influence on us; hence we imitate what they do. Keeping oneself organized begins at an early age. If you don’t know what would be the repercussions of being unorganized, it will have an adverse impact someday on your life. So, if you have come to a realization that you haven’t been organized all this while, then pledge to be organized now. Here are some tips that will help you to stay organized in the long run.
The Top 15 Tips on How to be Organized to Live a Hassle-free Life.

Make Use of the Notepad and Reminder on Your Phone
Always keep your important tasks noted in your notepad. In case of emergency, you can refer to the notepad and get the job done on time. Also, do set a reminder for the pending tasks. That way, you won’t have to remember things and you can keep working on your other tasks.
Just ensure that the reminder time you set helps you in accomplishing the task on or before time. For instance, if you were to book movie tickets for the next day, and you don’t have time to do it immediately, then set a reminder to buzz after dinner time. So that you can peacefully, book the movie tickets before hitting the sack.
Design A Timetable and Follow it Religiously
We all learn to draft a timetable during school days, but we do not continue to design one after we finish the schooling days. Designing a timetable simplifies our lives and aids in completing tasks on time.
For instance, if you wish to lose weight, then draft a day’s plan. Specify in there how many push-ups to do per day, how many squats to perform per day, and other HIIT exercises to perform. Also, do mention the diet details in it. Just make sure that you follow this plan regularly.
Experts say it takes a minimum of 21 days to form a habit. Once you build the habit- to be organized, there won’t be looking back. Just follow the plan consistently, and you’ll see the results in 30 days.
Incorporate Discipline in Your Life
First and foremost, your life will be much simplified if you follow discipline. Living a disciplined life means waking up on time, performing all the tasks as per the schedule, and planning your next day.
When you plan your day, you are clear with what jobs are at hand and how much time it will take to finish them off. It will also save you from the last-minute rush; that way you’ll be stress-free and you’ll be more focused.
It will also help you find some spare time to do the additional pending jobs, that you couldn’t find time for otherwise.
Label Everything Appropriately
This might seem the most minuscule job, but if you label the things around, it will make your life easy. Label all the desks, containers, files, or folders with the appropriate name and number. And make sure that you name them in a fashion that you can remember their labels.
Additionally, make sure, you place all the containers, boxes, and jars at work and home in a place where you can remember them. Always keep it simple. Do not overdo anything. That way you’ll have an assurance that if you look for something in those boxes or containers you will find it with ease. This will keep the stress far far away.
Keep All the Important Documents in One Place
It’s just an additional point to the aforementioned ones. For instance, if you are supposed to travel abroad and you don’t have your passport, travel insurance, or visa in one place, will it be easy for you to pack the bag without getting stressed? So, you must be organized to plan for a stress-free journey.
Assign a desk or drawer specifically for your personal documents. Keep your mark sheets, birth certificates, travel documents, property papers, ID proofs, or any other important documents in one place. You may not need them all at once, but you’ll be sure that if you need any of them, you know where to find them.
Get Rid of Unwanted Stuff
One of the best solutions to prevent a last-minute rush is to have a de-cluttered space. Make sure you have room for essential stuff only. There is no point in having additional things occupying space in your closet kitchen cabinet or office drawers.
Get organizing boxes or storage baskets to have your things organized in one place. If your living space was deluged in scrap products or any least important things then first get rid of it. It will help you to find the right stuff in times of emergency. You won’t panic and you’ll be able to find them in the right place. Carry out a fortnightly regime to de-clutter your space.
Hang A Whiteboard on Your Kitchen Wall
Many working ladies and single fathers find it easy to have a handy to-do-list board. The kitchen is the best place to have your whiteboard. You can make a list of groceries that are about to finish, a laundry list, bill payment due dates, or any other to-do list on the whiteboard.
It will prevent you from running errands at the eleventh hour. When you jot down something on a board once, you’ll remember things the whole day. That’s a psychological game. So, when you return from work, you can take a quick detour to a supermarket. It’s the best way to be organized and to enjoy a stress-free life.
Wash Your Laundry Twice a Week
It may seem unnecessary to you, but if you delay doing the laundry during the weekend, you may have to spend the weekend doing the laundry. That will ruin your happiness and you won’t be able to find time for other important jobs.
If you wish to be organized or remain organized in the long run, then make sure you do the necessary chores on time. Do not put off them till next week. Piling up used clothes will make your space look messy and cramped. It will also be difficult to clean your living space. So, if you start piling one thing, it will lead to more pending jobs.
If Traveling, book your Tickets in Advance and Save Money
In simple terms, book your traveling tickets a few months before you schedule your trip. Plan your journey so that you save money. Many airlines offer discounts for booking two or three months in advance, also the fares are way too low during that time frame.
In most cases, you’ll find even the accommodation fares and train fares are reasonable. So, one of the best ways to stay organized before you embark on a journey is to be ready with essential documents and reservations. You won’t just save time and money, but you will also prevent the anxiety caused during the last-minute rush.
How to be Organized? Divide the Tasks Among Each Other Equally
Be at home or work, divide the tasks equally. It is the other best way to be organized at home and work. Make a list of things that need your attention. Divide the jobs equally with your partner at home and with your colleagues at work.
If things are difficult to manage, ask for assistance. But do not overburden yourself with all the tasks. It will prevent stress and verbal spats. Organizing should bring you mental peace. If you aren’t at peace, you won’t be able to enjoy your life. You will always be in a hurry to finish the jobs leading to panic attacks and anxiety issues.
Be Frugal- Don’t Fall for Discounts or Sales
Save money instead of spending it. Many financial experts suggest first saving and spending only on the essential things. Don’t be extravagant, spend wisely. The habit of being economical will gradually inculcate in you once you practice prioritizing in life.
Take the first step to spend sparingly. Avoid going on a random shopping spree just because you see some sales or discounts on displays. Those displays are to lure you, but in reality, you give in to your impulse and spend money on unwanted items.
So, first, make a list of necessary things and only then visit the supermarket. Don’t buy the products that catch your attention, analyze first whether you really need that product, if not then stick to your list.
Make Use of Apps that Help You to Keep Track of Your Activities
How often do you work out? Do you sleep at the same time? How much time do you spend playing games on your phone? Do you get enough sleep? Do you have your meals on time? These are the daily activities that you can’t keep track of.
But many apps help us to keep track of these important activities. You must install those apps on your phone, it is the easiest and the best way to be organized. You’ll be able to manage your health, diet, or sleep disorders (if any) more easily.
How to be Organized? Don’t be Indolent. Laziness will Lead to Procrastination
Idleness or indolence will make you feel sleepy. Oftentimes, you put off the important things just to catch a break. But if you continue to practice this it will become a habit. Procrastination will never contribute to your progress.
If you wish to stay organized and push your success to the next level, you must stay active in your waking hours. Avoid being inactive, do not put off things for the next day. You won’t be organized if you have pending jobs to do.
Don’t Rely on Others All the Time
Of course, it is easy to delegate the jobs and stay relaxed at your place. But that will never help you to stay organized. Sometimes you should do the jobs yourself. For instance, if you get a transfer order to move to a remote location for a couple of months. And you have no idea how to cook, what will you do?
In many cases, you won’t even find a cook or maid to help you. So, it’s always better to learn some basic skills in advance and practice them on alternate days. You’ll get an idea of what ingredients you require to cook a simple meal. Which utensils are best to cook specific cuisine and how to clean them? Heavy reliance on others will make you lose money and you will never learn how to stay organized.
How to be Organized? Avoid Distractions- Focus on Your Target
If you take up a job, then work dedicatedly on it. You may have several bad encounters in the form of distractions. Some may be unavoidable (like medical emergencies) while some are unavoidable (invitation to attend parties, weekend gatherings, etc.)
However, you can ensure that you stay focused on your work and spare only a few minutes to meet your friends. Avoid attending the parties in person. Dedicate the time according to the work pressure. Wasting time will further delay the progress, and you may end up working till late hours.
In this process, you may lose sleep and your health may have an adverse impact. If you aren’t focused on your work, it means you are not organized. So, it’s better you practice giving importance to your work than distractions. It will help you stay organized your entire life.
Let’s Recapitulate
When nothing motivates you, you need to become disciplined to make things work in your favor. You have to force yourself to get organized. Always remember motivation often runs away. What keeps you going is the discipline. Make up your mind and prepare a chart for the next 90 days.
Once you get used to the chart your mind will automatically follow the routine. It is all psychological. Your brain needs to be rewired to stay motivated. Staying organized is the first step to living a stress-free life. A decluttered mind is more content and at peace than an undisciplined mind.