Only the extreme situations in life make us realize the importance of basic skills. The pandemic was the best example. It made us understand food, clothing, and shelter are those necessities that make our living easy and satisfactory. But I believe that we are highly dependent on others for food, especially our mothers, girlfriends, and wives. Of course, we love the cuisines made by our loving moms. But my objection is, why only women have to cook, why can’t men cook? We all have to agree that men should learn to cook.

Men Need to Take Charge in the Kitchen Now

Admittedly, ‘women must cook’ this house rule was exerted several decades ago but now the times have changed. Women are looked upon as equal to men, yet the fight for equality is still on. When women can take charge of running the house and be financially independent, then why can’t men learn to be independent in feeding themselves? And that starts with ‘Cooking’.

Why just men? Every individual who thoroughly believes in being independent must learn how to cook. It’s imperative for your basic survival. Why do you have to be dependent on others? Is dining out or takeaway from restaurants a good option? Doesn’t that pose a risk to your health as well as your bank balance? You can’t order from restaurants every day, right? If you are financially sound enough, you can hire a cook. But what if you come from a middle-class or destitute family, can you afford a cook or maid?

So, you should learn to cook and improve your life skills. Here are some more reasons that will intrigue you to start learning a new essential survival skill- Cooking.

The Top 17 Reasons Why You Should Learn to Cook

1. You Won’t Have to Rely on Anybody

First and foremost, you won’t have to wait unnecessarily for someone else to cook for you. You can simply get the ingredients from the market and cook for yourself. Various online cooking videos can help you to learn easy recipes.

So, once you learn to cook, why rely on another person? Be your own savior. Devour on your self-cooked cuisine!

2. Expenditures will Decrease

There is nothing to wonder about this- your savings are bound to increase if you control your expenses. Dining out, taking away food, the cook’s salary, etc. are huge expenses if you take them into account.

But if you cook for yourself and your family, you will save a lot of money. The only expenses you’ll incur will be related to groceries, cooking fuel, and energy bills (in terms of cooking meals).

3. Cooking Decision- Your Sole Discretion

If you learn to cook, you’ll get to decide what to cook. Of course, you’ll also have the option to ask your family members what they would like to eat. But, if you are alone, then you can choose to cook whatever you like.

I agree when someone else cooks for you, it’s a blissful feeling. And above all, everybody loves to eat food cooked by someone else. It’s a human tendency, you can’t help it. But cooking for yourself and others is way too satisfying. Try doing it someday!

4. You Know What Goes into Your Food

Take-away food or junk food has many unknown ingredients. Additionally, the outside food is oily and has too much fat content. But when you cook your meals at home, you know what you are adding.

Even the recipes you learn online can be modified as per your taste preference. You’ll be in complete charge of what goes into your body. It will be way too easy to keep excess carbs and fats at bay.

5. Learn to Cook, Your Health Will Improve Significantly

This is in addition to the aforementioned point. When you eat home-cooked meals you stop your health from deteriorating. If you have obesity issues or weight-gain issues, you’ll be able to control them by cooking for yourself.

Various health experts suggest eating home-cooked meals to control weight gain. Freshly cooked meals, vegetarian meals, and raw food aid in weight loss. It will help you to achieve your desired weight and maintain it the easy way. So, what’s the solution? Learn to cook!

6. Learning New Recipes will be Fun

In the initial stages, you’ll be learning how to cook basic meals. In the US, pancakes, fried potatoes, chicken, fish, and salad are the basic dishes. But, as you progress, you’ll develop a keen interest in learning new recipes.

Simultaneously, you’ll start learning your favorite dishes as well. Once, you get engrossed in learning your most-loved cuisines, you’ll set another goal to learn more new recipes. That’s how it will have a positive impact on your mind.

7. Cooking De-stresses Your Mind

If you love to satisfy your taste buds, then you must learn to cook. You won’t have to place an order at a restaurant every time to get your favorite dish. Once you learn to cook, you can cook it for yourself. It’s a great stress-buster.

Cooking takes away all worries. It keeps you focused on one task. I don’t know how that works. But it does act as a de-stressing activity. Furthermore, once you are done cooking your favorite meal, you’ll feel relaxed. Also, the feeling that you’ll be eating your favorite dish will have a magical influence on your mind.

8. Learn to Cook, It Piques Creativity

Cooking is an art. Once you learn to cook, you’ll try to invent a new dish with your favorite ingredients. You’ll get creative in the kitchen. Experimentation will become a hobby and you’ll love to make a better version of old dishes.

Most of the bakers try experimenting with new flavors and cake bases. That’s how you learn what tastes better. Creativity isn’t limited to baking; you can try adding different ingredients to your dish and see how it turns out. Some may taste bad; some may taste yummy. But experimenting with your cooking style will boost creativity for sure.

9. No Need to Go Out- Just Invite Friends at Home

Why spend money on a fancy meal? Instead, just cook your special meals at home. It’s the best way to save money and have a cozy get-together. Inviting friends and family to home parties is not just fun, but also, you get to spend a lot of time together.

At home, there are no restrictions, you aren’t time-bound. Additionally, you won’t have to follow a dress code. Yes, cooking for many people at once can be a tedious job, but you can ask your close friends for a helping hand. And cooking together is also kind of fun.

10. Learn to Cook and Receive Appreciation for Delicious Meals

Every new artist needs the motivation to bring out the best creativity. A cook is also an artist. So, once you learn to cook, you’ll also be an artist. It’s up to you how you upgrade your skills. To improve your skills, you’ll need a strong desire.

And the best motivational drive is a compliment. Receiving compliments for cooking a delicious meal will fill your mind with positivity. Appreciation doesn’t come for free; you earn it. Hence, cook to satisfy others’ taste buds and make your soul happy.

11. Ready-to-Cook Meals Won’t Interest You Anymore

After having tried fresh food, you won’t like to eat takeaway food. There is a major difference in the taste of a ready-to-cook meal and freshly cooked food. Stale food reacts with your body and increases acidity.

Always have fresh food, it’s the healthiest option to cook your food at home. You’ll experience good changes in the body. Your skin will glow, there will be less occurrence of acne, you will lose weight if obese, and you’ll be consuming the right amount of nutrients.

12. Friends will Seek Your Advice

Yeah, that’s right! People will look for your advice and suggestions. It’s best to maintain a diary to jot down the recipes that you invented. You can use them for your benefit when friends ask for your help.

It’s a beautiful feeling when people turn to you for advice. Who doesn’t like being called a ‘Pro’ at what you do? Try cooking and make some delicious cuisines. I bet your friends will pour in a lot of compliments. And they will come running for your guidance.

13. Learn to Cook and Address your Cravings Immediately

You’ll have an added advantage over others if you know how to cook your most loved dish. For instance, if you love having ‘Choco-lava cake’ and you crave to have one at midnight, and there are no restaurants open at that time, what will you do? That’s why you must learn to cook. So that you can bake it anytime you want.

It’s much cheaper to bake a Choco-lava at home than ordering from a bakery. Baking at home means- it’s fresh, it’s delicious, and you can fulfill your craving at any time you want.

14. You Can Use It as an Additional Skill to Impress Girls

Yes, it’s true. Girls do get impressed if they find out their partner can cook. It’s an additional quality. That’s the reason all human beings must learn how to cook, irrespective of gender. It’s a basic requirement for survival.

But for now, if you know how to cook, your partner will be impressed for sure. I don’t go with this statement that you must cook to impress, but that can motivate you. Then why not use that skill to your advantage? So, yeah, learn to cook to show off!

15. Learn to Cook and Be A Role Model for Others

If a woman can cook, it’s no big deal! But if a man can cook, it’s impressive! That’s how the world sees. There’s nothing wrong with this, but you must bring change in this pattern. If you as a man learn to cook, you can set a benchmark for other non-cooking men.

Not just your mothers but your spouses will also be proud of you. Why not work for others and bring a change in this thinking pattern? Even if you don’t receive applause, you’ll be proud of yourself. Try it!

16. It will Prove Beneficial When Traveling Alone, Learn to Cook

Business travelers face a lot of issues when they do not know how to cook. Backpackers and travel enthusiasts also suffer if they do not find food of their choice. You can’t have McDonald’s and Pizza Huts everywhere.

Also, if you are traveling for more than a month, you can’t have burgers and pizzas every day. Additionally, hotel food isn’t a healthy option for a long duration of stay. How about if you knew how to cook for yourself? Wouldn’t that solve your problem? All you’ll need is a kitchen, and you can get your groceries from the supermarket. Yippee! Problem Solved!

17. You Can Use Your Cooking Skills as A Second Source of Income

Anything is possible in this world. If you develop an interest in cooking for yourself and gradually you start loving to serve others, then why not use that happiness to earn some money?

You can make snacks and sell them via retailers. Start a meal delivery service from home. Or blog about your recipes online. There are innumerable options to make money via food service. It’s because food service is the only industry that will never cease. After all, people can’t stop eating, and if your product picks up in the market, no one will be able to stop you from being a millionaire.


Cooking is fun. If you learn how to cook, you can easily manage your health goals. Learn cooking for yourself, for your happiness. It will inspire your friends as well. Don’t look at it as a task, it’s a basic survival skill. Eventually, it’s you who is going to benefit from your cooking expertise. Furthermore, you’ll save money as well. Just start cooking and see how enjoyable it gets.

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