According to an article, couples from Norway are the happiest people in the world. That’s because they first get into a live-in relationship and see if their relationship is good enough to get hitched. Additionally, they prefer to have kids when they are living together, marriage is off the table at times. The Scandinavians marry in the later stages of life to showcase their love for each other. Most of them marry between 30-39 years of age. So, one can say that 30 is probably the best age to get married.

In some countries, traditionally, couples get into a relationship by the age of 25 or 28. The Indians, Spanish, and Japanese prefer a wedding between the ages of 25 to 32. The people from Malawi, Benin, Angola, and Laos marry between the ages of 18 to 23. While the Americans marry in their early 30s and the Italians marry after 34.

Marriage and Wealth Connection- It Decides the Best Age to Get Married

The global wedding analysis helps you to see the difference between the preferred ages for marriage. And you’ll notice that the age of marriage corresponds with the wealth one possesses. It’s a ground rule, the more money, the more freedom you have to decide when to take the plunge.

But If you study the marriage statistics, you’ll discover many people prefer to marry at the age of 30. And I certainly believe that 30 is the best age for you to start a new life with your partner. Check out the reasons below.

1. Experience from Heartbreaks Counts a Lot

In your college days and early 20s, you engage in several love affairs. Some are casual relationships, some are only flings, and in some cases, you are into FWB (Friends with benefits). Yes, FWB is common these days because people between 18 to 21 ride high on their hormones, and wish to experience more physical pleasures. I don’t approve of this, but it has become a common social trend ( in relevance to college life and close friend circle).

So, once you are through all the emotional drama, heartbreaks, and mental turmoil, you precisely know what you want from life. You have a clear understanding of what you should look for in your partner. And how you can have a pleasant life ahead without indulging in unwanted affairs. So, by the time you are 28 or 29, you have enough experience, and you aim only to have a happy life in the future.

2. Maturity Replaces Immaturity

Maturity doesn’t come with age, I agree. But with challenges and experiences, you learn how to be sensitive to others. You learn how to behave and react to certain situations. Also, according to the situation, you learn how to express your views and opinions. That’s wisdom!

Many spiritual teachers say that wisdom comes with age. As you age, you gain enough experience on love matters while dating and dealing with heartbreaks. So, once you turn 30 you have a decade of experience in how to deal with a partner. I guess that’s why 30 is the best age to get married.

3. You are Ready to Take Up Financial Responsibilities

Most young adults accomplish their educational goals by the age of 25 or 26. Some people work while pursuing their studies as well. So, by the time you turn 30, you have a good job in hand and a satisfactory disposable income.

So structurally, you are ready to take on further responsibilities. Buying a house, buying some assets, or start living an independent life. It includes starting married life as well. It is not necessary that you achieve financial freedom at the age of 30.

Some smart people achieve financial independence at an early age as well. But overall, 30 is the age when you are ready to go on to the next challenge, and that is why it is the best age to get married.

4. By the Time You Turn 30 You Achieve Emotional Stability

Emotional stability is crucial to have a successful and happy married life. It is the ability to stay calm and composed in stressful situations. Marriage comes with several upheavals. There are verbal fights, disagreements, bickering, and nagging in all marriages.

Only the intensity of the fights defines how badly you have ruined your married life. But in all such tough times how you manage the situation is the most important question. It’s about how you keep your cool and deal with the negativity. For that reason, you need to know how to maintain your emotional balance.

5. You Seek a Partner Whose Wavelength Matches that of Yours And who helps in Deciding the Best Age to Get Married

After having several affairs and breakups, you learn what you are looking for in your partner. You are looking for a mature and level-headed partner. Also, if you had too many expectations from your partner when you were 21 or 25, you won’t carry forward that same mistake.

Having similar likes & dislikes and matching tastes & preferences in your partner will be your top priority. Some say opposites attract (relationships), but the differences in likes and dislikes can wreak havoc in marriages. For instance, if you like traveling and your partner doesn’t, how is your life going to be? Or if you dislike sports and your partner is a sports enthusiast, is that marriage going to last?

Various factors in a marriage can either be favorable or unfavorable. But it is up to you to decide, how successfully you can accept the differences in preferences and lead life. Hence, once you live your life from the age of 21 to 30, you have a clear picture of your expectations. That’s why 30 is the best age to get married.

6. Your Primary Focus- Only Love, Loyalty, Trust, and Belonging. Once You Find these in your Love Life, You Can Decide the Best Age to Get Married

By the age of 30, you are financially sound, mature, and have dealt with your set of setbacks (in both relationships and jobs). So, what’s next? For a happy married life, you’ll look for only the core qualities in your partner. Love, sense of belonging, trust, and loyalty- these qualities play a pivotal role in any relationship.

You aren’t living a successful married life if one of these qualities goes missing. I also agree, that having all these qualities in today’s times is tough, especially love and loyalty. Many relationship experts say, ‘Love and loyalty’ have a correlation with monetary power.

If you are well-off and you are a philanthropist, people will love you and show loyalty towards you. But, if you go bankrupt for some reason, even your partner may lose interest in you. That’s the reason many young adults, prefer mature life partners who are financially independent themselves.

7. You are More Confident and Less Insecure

The more challenges you face in life, the more confident you grow. Consistent progress and growth in the pay package make you feel secure in life. All these positive things take place only after you cross your 30s. But once you turn 30 you are almost on the threshold of a new successful life.

Money brings security and progress in your job and makes you confident. The only thing one craves is true love and a caring life partner. So, I believe that’s the reason many men and women in the US marry either at the age of 30 or after 30.

8. If you Find an Educated and Working Partner, it would be like Cherry on the Cake. That Helps in Deciding the Best Age to Get Married

When you date someone in high school, you aren’t sure about your career. Then how would you be sure your partner will choose a wise career? In the early 20s, you are uncertain of the objectives and goals in your life. That’s not the right time to decide whether you can marry your partner.

But if you are in a live-in relationship and you both focus on your career, you may realize that you can have a future together. And all this takes approximately six or eight years to come to a conclusion. That’s the reason many married people suggest that you must get married once you find a qualified and working partner.

It will be an added advantage to both of you. You’ll both have sufficient bank balance to start a new life. And there will be no financial burden on either of you. Financial freedom is very important to have a successful married life.

9. Once You Turn 30, You are Ready to Take the child’s Responsibilities

It is not easy to raise a child in this tough world. We all know it! Many parents struggle to make ends meet. It is indeed expensive to have a child and take care of him until he turns eighteen. But when you have a good-paying job and an independent life partner, things can become manageable.

To raise a child, you need a sufficient bank balance. And that’s possible only when you have a regular source of income. A child’s responsibilities are not easy, they come with an additional financial burden. But when you are almost 30, you are mature enough to take up those responsibilities. That’s why it is the best age to get married.

10. Social Life is Great Because by 30 Almost All Friends Have Partners. That’s why 30 is the Best Age to Get Married

You can’t deny the fact that friends are an important part of our lives. Most of the decisions you make are because of the influence of your friends. But by the age of 30, a majority of your friends start living an independent life with their spouses.

Their experiences help you to understand how to live a happy married life. You can discuss with them, share your worries with them, and take advice on how to resolve the issues in life. Having married friends around makes a great social life. That also acts as a trigger for you to marry sooner.

11. You can Give a Better Life to Your Child

Marriage in your 30s is beneficial because by then you are financially sound enough to fulfill your child’s desires. You won’t have to compromise on petty things. That’s how you can also give a better life to your child. If you marry at the age of 30 and have a child in a year or so, and once you turn 60, your child will be an earning adult.

If you marry in your 20s and have a child at an early age, then too you can see your child flourishing. But you won’t be able to give a happy childhood to your child. It’s because you’ll be struggling with your job and in building a career. You may also miss out on opportunities to play with your child or see him grow.

It’s the worst experience when your child complains to you for not having time for him. So, 30 is the best age to get married because you are financially settled, you may be holding a good position at work, and you may also have ample time to spend with your child.

12. The Chances of Divorce are Lower

It’s a psychological game to a certain extent. When you marry late, you marry with the least expectations. That’s the reason, you won’t find any opportunity to complain much. As mentioned before, you will focus only on the feelings- love, trust, belonging, etc.

Also, when you have crossed the age of 29, you know you are on the way to a new stage in life. And on that note, you wish to start a new life- the married life. By the time you are also mature enough to understand the nitty-gritty of marriage, through the experience of your married friends.

And you take all their advice into account and look forward to not making the mistakes they made. That lowers the chances of divorce.


Marriage is a personal choice. You just can’t make the decision based on someone else’s opinion. But before you take the plunge make sure you are financially independent. Don’t marry for financial freedom. Marriage is not an access card to someone else’s wealth.

Age is just a number, see if you’re mature enough to make that decision. For you 30 may or may not be the right age. But by the age of 30, you start growing wiser. So, first, learn what you are looking for in your life partner and then make the final decision.

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