Are you having a dog and working 9-5, scared to leave your dog alone? Nobody likes to leave their beloved companion alone at home. Of course, it’s also difficult to console yourself. But many working pet parents find their solutions and manage to keep their pets happy. Dogs behave smartly and learn to be obedient if you train them well. It takes a considerable amount of time to help them learn how to stay by themselves when nobody is watching over. Although some pets get inactive and dispirited on leaving them alone. But, if you start training them early when they are seven or eight weeks old, then your life will be sorted.
Don’t you worry! Having a dog and working 9-5 won’t be a hassle anymore. Use the following 20 tips to take care of your dog while you are busy working.

Consult A specialist for the Friendliest Dog-Breed
The best dog dealer or a veterinarian can help you to decide which is the friendliest dog breed. But if you already own a dog, then talk to a dog trainer on how to train your dog to stay at home when you aren’t home.
Most of the smaller dog breeds can be left alone at home. The most preferred dog-breeds in this case, are Maltese, French Bulldog, Whippet, Chihuahua, Shar Pei, Basset Hound, and Greyhound.
Track the Vaccination Routine
There are different types of vaccines- core and non-core, but you have to administer them as per your breed. Some dog breeds are prone to some infectious diseases, so consult your vet and get the jabs on a timely basis.
Some of the important factors you have to consider while vaccinating your pet are age, medical history, lifestyle, travel habits, and environment. Your vet will give you a schedule of vaccination and you must follow it.
Make a Schedule to Feed Your Dog
A feeding schedule is important to keep your pet healthy. If you wish to take care of a dog without considering it as an obligation, only then you must get a pet. It’s not easy to be a pet parent, but once you learn how to manage your pet, it will be fun.
Puppies that are six or sixteen weeks old must be fed three or four times per day. Smaller breeds demand four meals per day. And puppies that are six or twelve months old must be fed twice a day. If you aren’t available during the daytime to feed your dog, then ask a caretaker to feed your pet. Some charge minimal fees, while some do not.
Do Not Ignore the Exercise Routine
You have to take efforts to keep your dog fit and healthy. Ignoring its workout schedule can deteriorate its health. If you have a tight schedule of work, then take your pet for a walk in the park before you leave for work.
Play with it in your backyard. People who have backyards are the luckiest ones, as their pet can have the entire space to enjoy itself. Also, avoid offering treats during the workout. That may be lead to unnecessary weight gain in your dog. You have to take care of a dog as if it were your child.
Make Space in Your Backyard for your Pet to Stay and Play
It’s just an additional point to the aforementioned point. Make sure you have a fenced backyard so that your dog can play and sit when you aren’t around. It’s quite simple to take care of a dog if you know its poop timings and feeding habits.
If you have a backyard, you can keep your dog there for seven to eight hours when you are away. Just make some space for your dog to poop and place some feeding and water bowls in your backyard. Also, do keep a washable silicone mattress where your dog can rest. Most of the dogs find it peaceful to stay in open spaces.
Hire a Dog-walker or Caretaker (Occasionally)
Due to your inflexible schedule if you find it difficult to take your dog for a walk, then hire a dog-walker who can work for you on alternate days. Many caretakers also help in feeding your dog or playing with it if you aren’t available for a long time.
Hiring a caretaker occasionally will also make your pet get accustomed to your absence. It will also learn how to be friendly with a caring unknown person. Use this tip only if you genuinely need a dog-walker in times of emergency. You have to take care of a dog by bringing up your solutions.
Fix Cams at Home and in the Backyard
Just to keep an eye on your pet you have to install cams at your home and in your backyard. You must know where your dog plays, what time it eats, how many times it eats, and what does it play with.
Cams are also an easy solution to learn if your dog is being mistreated by anybody. Some pets are mischievous, while some are calm. But to know how your pet behaves in your absence, you must have cams installed at your place.
Use Automated Water and Treat Dispenser
You’ll find numerous treat dispensers that make your pet happy when it’s alone. The treat dispensing machine has a cam that helps you to see your dog. Once the dog approaches the machine and looks at the cam, you can greet your pet and dispense the treats.
Water dispensing also works the same way. It’s a great way to show how much you care for your pet. It also lets you stay connected with your dog. I believe it’s one of the best ways to take care of a dog when you are away and still wish to stay close to your pet.
Talk to Your Pet Through the Cam
You must always find time to interact with your pet through the cam. The dispensing machine’s cam offers you opportunities at different time intervals to connect with your dog. It will make your pet feel your presence around.
Although the dogs are intelligent enough to understand that you are talking through some source. That’s because they can’t sniff you or smell you. But that’s ok, at least you’ll be sure that your pet is doing fine without you.
Having A Dog and Working 9-5 will Make your Dog Miss you Even More. If You Are Traveling Alone It May Traumatize Your Pet. So, Shortlist the Best Dog-Care Centers If You Are Going Out for A Couple of Days
It’s better to have the list of the best dog care centers handy because you never know when you’ll need their help. Try to keep your dog in different shelters to learn how it reacts to change. That way you’ll learn where it enjoys the most.
Many dogs don’t like change or they lose the spirit to enjoy the surroundings when you leave them alone. But if you want to take care of a dog in the best possible way, then you have to train your pet to adjust to the situations. It’s tough in the initial stages, but most of the pets start enjoying themselves with other dogs after a certain period.
Make Arrangement for Poopy-Times
Training your dog where to poop is one of the most tedious tasks. You may have to start training your pup at an early age to make it learn where to poop. If you have plans to leave your pet in the open or your backyard then you must train it to poop in a particular place.
Getting pee pads, poop buckets, poop scoopers, and other poop disposal products will make your task easier. Some prefer making their dogs use diapers but it doesn’t work favorably. That’s because if your dog poops in it and you aren’t around to change it then hanging in that diaper for too long may irate your pet. So, look for better solutions when dealing with poop schedules.
Ask Neighbors to Keep an Eye on Your Pet- Let Them Know Your Situation. Most Neighbors are Friendly and Offer Help. For You Having A Dog and Working 9-5 Won’t Be A Task Anymore.
If you have friendly neighbors then you can ask them to watch over your pet. Or if possible, you can ask for some favors as well, like feeding your pet or taking it for a walk. Only if they don’t mind helping you out.
Some neighbors are kind and gentle, so they may help you. But if your neighbors aren’t friendly enough then do not force them to look after your pet.
If Possible, Get A Playmate for your Dog
I understand being a single pet parent isn’t easy. The financial burden also piles up when you have a dog at home. But if you are financially sound enough, and you can afford a pet, then do get another dog companion for your pet.
This is the other easiest way to take care of a dog by not letting it feel lonely. If your dog has a companion then it will be fun for him to have someone to play with. You just got to do the same things for the new pet. It will be just an additional responsibility that you’ll love to take on.
Get Enough Toys for your Dog- Let Your Pet Know How much You Love Him. Having A Wog and working 9-5 Should Not Be A Concern Once your Dog Learns You Are Out for A Considerable Amount of Time.
Dogs love toys. All kinds of toys. As far as I know, dogs love to play with tennis balls. They also have the habit of chewing off things. So, just make sure you have plenty of toys for your dog to enjoy when you aren’t around.
If you get another dog for your pet, then make sure you get toys for him as well. Shower the same level of affection on the other pet. You’ll be glad to have another pet in your life for sure.
Get a Safety Gate and Lock the Rooms
Install a safety gate to prevent your dog from entering some prohibited space. Also, lock all doors to the rooms that you do not want your pet to visit in your absence. This is just a safety measure that you should carry out every day.
It will prevent mishaps in your absence. Furthermore, your dog will learn not to visit the restricted places if the safety gate is unlocked.
Look for Volunteers Who Love to Take care of Pets- Having A Dog and Working 9-5 Can be Challenging, So Better Outsource Some Help to Keep Your Dog Happy.
This isn’t similar to shelter care. Some people voluntarily offer help to take care of pets and children at their homes. They feed the pets and play with them because they love to be around the pets and children.
So, if you are lucky enough to find such people then approach them. The other best thing about such voluntary help is that they have children as well who love to play with pets. So, you won’t have to worry about how your pet is going to be. It will enjoy the company of children and other pets.
Ask your Friends or Family to Watch Over Your Dog
In times of emergency, you can ask your close friends to watch over your pet for a week or so. Also, if you have family members who are willing to offer any help then take it. If you are busy for the entire week then someone must be present at home to feed your pet, right?
Then, why not friends or family? Always maintain good relations with your friends and family. You never know when you might need their help.
If Possible, Take Your Dog to Work- Having A Dog and Working 9-5 will Make Your Pet Feel Downhearted. Talk to Your Employer to Allow Your Pet at Work.
Many corporate houses and small factories allow their employees to bring their pets to work. The pets are given a separate space to play and you can visit your pet during the breaks. This is indeed the best solution when you are skeptical to keep your dog away from you.
If your organization offers you this facility then take advantage of it. If not, then seek permission to let your dog stay on the company premises.
Make Use of Spare Time or opt for WFH (Work-from-home)
It will be ideal to work from home if you wish to stay close to your pet. You can talk to seniors and opt for WFH. That way it will be easy for you to take care of your pet, feed him on time and spend more time playing with him.
If WFH isn’t possible, then visit your pet during breaks. It will be easy only if you worked nearby. Make time to spend with your pet whenever possible, it will keep you depression-free and boost happiness in your life.
Groom Your Pet Regularly- Having A Dog and Working 9-5 will Leave You with No Time to Keep your Pet Well-Groomed. So, Fix a Time Table to Keep Your Dog’s Health and Appearance Up to Date
Just like a regular vaccination, you have to bathe and wash your pet twice or thrice a month. If your dog is furry and double-coated then you may have to groom it more frequently. Also, look for lice, fleas, and ticks on your dog.
Spray flea repellents if you are leaving your dog alone in the park or taking it for a walk. Visit the veterinarian for check-ups. It’s good to keep a track of your pet’s grooming schedule. Love your dog just the way you’d love your child.
Dog experts claim that dogs can feel low if they notice their owners aren’t around. They instantly get the feeling that they have been disowned. So, before you decide to get a pet make sure you can arrange someone who can take care of your dog. Or you may have to train it at an early stage to stay alone for a couple of hours.
If you see your pet falling sick or looks inactive for a long period for no reason visit the vet. Don’t forget dogs too have feelings. Your love and care will matter the most. So avoid your pet to crave your attention. When you are with your dog pamper him without any condition.