We all are under the impression that love is enough for a successful relationship. But ideally, it is the trust, understanding, and respect for each other that makes a relationship flourish. These aspects of love are necessary to build a good relationship with your partner. You may receive relationship advice from people who jump into a relationship without being in love.

Also, many people believe that if you get attracted to someone that means you are in love. However, in reality, attraction can be infatuation that may lead to some wrong decisions. So, in my view, if you find solace in someone’s company, that’s your true love. A mere sight of a gorgeous girl making your heart pound is not love.

Additionally, every relationship is different; and comparison with others will only lead to disaster. But some ground rules are the same and work in your favor if you put them to use daily. You can’t deny the fact that you learn to make your rules over some time to keep your relationship strong, and that’s good. But the question is, how often do you keep your partner’s interest before yours? Ask yourself.

Let’s have a look at some relationship advice on how to build a good relationship with your partner that will keep the bonding secured.

1. Change is Inevitable- Accept it Gracefully

Things will never be the same once you get into a relationship, be it live-in or marriage. As you grow, your bonding will also undergo some changes. Of course, even your partner and her likes or dislikes will also change.

So, you’ll have to welcome the changes in your relationship and allow yourself to go with the flow. Do not hold on to the past. As you age, your expectations from life also change. That’s how the life cycle completes.

2. Participate in Healthy Fights- Don’t Make it Ugly

Verbal spats and discord make your relationship strong. Wondering how? Well, if you don’t fight, you are only living with a stranger. And when you have minor clashes, it means at least your relationship is alive.

All you need to do is, instead of turning the fight ugly, you must sort the issues amicably. A bitter argument in the initial stage is okay. But try to draw the line before it becomes extremely unpleasant. If you are required to step down, then do it right away. Why fuel the fire? Always remember this relationship advice- Ego kills the essence of a relationship, so never push your ego.

3. Always Listen Before You Speak

Listening skills are crucial in a relationship as well. Listen attentively to what your partner wants to convey. Empathize with your partner while listening to her problem. It will make things easier for you to sort the issue.

Nowhere do I mean that you need to be submissive in the relationship? But, if you have to let your emotions be known, then make sure you do it politely. A relationship is like a rubber band. If you stretch the ends for too long, one of the ends will break, and you’ll feel the shock.

4. Take Criticisms in Stride- Don’t Counterblast

There is a difference between nagging and criticizing. If your partner picks at you for every minor mistake, then she is nagging you. But, if she is criticizing you constructively, then that’s for your betterment. Learn to make out the difference.

Nagging is not acceptable. Let your partner know about it instantly. But if your partner is saying something that could bring success in your life, then you must contemplate it. Avoid fighting back with harsh words. Foul words and expletives will never help you in resolving the matters. Instead, they multiply the problems.

5. Do Not Let the Disagreements Destroy the Peace

Disagreements are unavoidable when two people contribute a lot to the relationship. Every relationship has its share of ups and downs. So, let there be disagreements, but do not let it take over your bonding.

When you often fight over trivial matters, it starts renting space in your head. And it leads to a stressful life. So, don’t let any negativity take away peace from your relationship.

6. Don’t Expect Things from Your Partner that You Wouldn’t Do for Them

It is the most ignored relationship advice. We often keep unrealistic expectations from our partners. And if we are asked to fulfill the same expectation, we wouldn’t do it. For instance, if you like watching football and your partner doesn’t, so don’t force her to sit next to you to watch the match.

Similarly, if you like visiting malls and shopping for hours, and your man hates shopping, then don’t pressure him to accompany you. Understand each other’s likes and dislikes. Don’t impose yourselves on each other.

7. Always Remember- You Married your Partner for Who They Are, Don’t Try to Change Them

First of all, why do you need to change your partner? Is he not the one whom you chose to be your life partner? I agree circumstances make people change. But that doesn’t mean your partner doesn’t love you. If you have some issues, then get them clarified. Why force your partner to behave in a way that suits your expectations?

I’d like to use an intense example. If your husband is an atheist or doesn’t like visiting a church, then don’t ask him to come along with you. Why press your beliefs and opinions on them? Let your partner be what they are, and you keep following your customs and traditions.

8. Discuss All the Financial Matters in Depth

Whether you agree or not, money does influence every relationship. And you can’t ignore this relationship advice. If the matters are related to money, then discuss them at length. Don’t have a perfunctory conversation related to financial matters.

At some point, if you face financial troubles, you both will be on the same page. Be it loans or mortgages, monthly budget or expenses, or any other money issues. Don’t forget one of the major reasons that lead to a divorce is a financial matter. So, if you want to keep your bond intact, always let your partner know the financial conditions.

9. If you are Hurt, let your Feelings Be Known- Being Vocal Is Important to Build A Good Relationship With Your Partner

Your partner won’t receive your message telepathically. So, you have to communicate well. It’s the key to a successful relationship. Let your partner know that you are hurt by some of their actions.

The more you keep the hard feelings in you, the more bitter your relationship will grow. Loving your partner doesn’t mean that you must tolerate their nonsense. Don’t be a lamb. Always let your partner know about your feelings.

10. Don’t Let Your Partner Lose Respect for You- It is Necessary to Build A Good Relationship With Your Partner

Your granny must have shared this relationship advice with you at least once. Respect follows when you value others’ emotions. But the moment you ignore others’ feelings, you will lose respect in their eyes.

Do not be demanding in the relationship; you also have to give and share. You will lose respect for your partner if you are the giver in a relationship. And once you lose respect for your partner, love starts dwindling from the relationship.

11. Don’t let the Toxicity Build up in You- One of the Best Tips to Build A Good Relationship With Your Partner

It’s a piece of additional information related to the 9th point. If you hold grudges against your partner, you will bring negative emotions to every topic you discuss. That may come up in a regular conversation as well.

If you hate something about your relationship, then discuss it with your partner. There is no point in brooding over negative emotions. That will make you more toxic. Letting the toxicity build up in you will only destroy your bonding.

12. Have a Pragmatic Approach Toward Life- Best Way to Build A Good Relationship With Your Partner

It simply means you have to divide the tasks between you two equally. Do not overburden one partner. If you share the responsibilities, none of you will have the chance to say – that I am the giver in the relationship. Believe me, this is the best relationship advice.

Learn who is best at doing a particular job, then assign the tasks to each other accordingly. For instance, if you are good at budgeting, then take up that task. If your partner is good at teaching the kids, then let him take up the task.

13. Life Comes with Topsy-Turvy Instances- Just Appreciate You Have a Good One

There will be moments in life where you’ll feel that you deserve better. The other time you’ll feel that you are lucky enough to have a wonderful life with a loving partner. Whatever it be, just be grateful to the universe.

Everyone has a different experience with their relationship. So, you must never compare it with that of others. You must appreciate what you are blessed with. But you can always make efforts to beautify your relationship. Just don’t think negatively. This is my favorite relationship advice that I love sharing.

14. Forgive and Kiss- Mend the issues ASAP to Build A Good Relationship With Your Partner

If you had a bad fight, and your partner is apologetic about it, then forgive him immediately. Do not make a fuss over a problem unnecessarily. To keep your relationship strong, you have to let things go. Accept the truth and try to look for ways to strengthen your bond.

Showing love and concern is important, and likewise, you also need to admit your mistakes and ask for forgiveness. There is nothing wrong with making mistakes, it’s just that you must be ready to make amends for your misdeeds. And forgiving doesn’t mean you are weak, it means you value your relationship over unwanted issues.

15. You Have to Value Each Other No Matter What- One of the Most Ignored Advice on How to Build A Good Relationship With Your Partner

Once you start taking your partner for granted, affection for each other will gradually start fading away. If you do not wish to ruin your relationship, then you must value each other’s emotions. Don’t forget even your partner is a human being.

It’s the sense of belonging and attachment that keeps a relationship strong. And to keep it stronger, you may have to make compromises somewhere to make your partner feel valued.


Being in love is a wonderful experience. However, it demands patience and effort to make the relationship work. You can use the above tips to have a beautiful relationship with your partner. Research more and read books online to get insight into how successful married couples live their lives.

Every journey is different. So avoid comparing your love life. You design your rules to build a strong bond with your man. Avoid imposing and controlling your partner. Love will prevail and the bond will flourish.

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